AIM Past Project
Queensland Alumina Limited (QAL) is one of the largest alumina refineries in Australia. They commenced production in March 1967 as Australia's first alumina refinery. QAL produce some 3.80 million tonnes of the world's best smelter grade alumina per year, that is used locally by Boyne Smelters Limited and shipped across the globe. For over a decade, Geovert have been a long-term maintenance partner at the refinery, undertaking site wide inspection and maintenance which includes painting and blasting.
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Gas Main Remediation
QAL required a 350m long gas main pipe to be painted and blasted while it remained operational for 100% of the works. As the pipework was located well above the ground and next to other operational infrastructure, the scaffold access and environmental encapsulation was intricately built around the structures, which ensured total containment and environmental compliance. The abrasive blasting was completed in these confines and painting of the protective coating was efficiently applied with an airless spraying system.
Project Solution