Wye River
Geovert were contracted by Grocon Constructions and Colac Otway Shire to design and construct a series of retaining solutions to rehabilitate slopes and damaging bushfires followed by heavy rainfall caused several landslides in South West Victoria in late 2015. A solution was required to achieve a 25-year design life in a coastal and bushfire-prone environment and reduce the likelihood of superficial failures by regenerating the slope vegetation to its original state prior to being affected by the bushfires.
Project Overview

Geovert used the geotechnical information available to design several site-specific soil nailing and erosion control solutions involving the application of dimensioned high-tensile rockfall netting in conjunction with erosion control matting. The slopes successfully regenerated vegetation in a short period of time and with no assistance from hydro-seeding.
An existing retaining wall had been fire-damaged and was at risk of undermining the property above. With limited space to rebuild, Geovert designed a retaining solution using two methods: the lower retaining wall, consisting of soil nails and shotcrete backfilled by stabilized sand to construct a sound platform on which to reconstruct the upper retaining wall – this was a precast concrete panel wall supported by a strip footing and a series of micro-piles.
Project Solution